Frisch Parents Association (FPA)

A Wonderful Way to be involved!

The Frisch Parents Association (FPA) is a group of energetic and committed parents who contribute to the fun and excitement of the Frisch family through many volunteer opportunities. The FPA works closely with the school administration to offer input and assistance in student programming and school events. The mission of the FPA is to work together with the administration to enhance the experience of our students and faculty while providing opportunities for our parents to feel connected to our amazing school.

Co-Presidents: Shari Markovitz, Tamar Rothenberg, and Jordanna Nadritch

Secretary: Jennifer Wasserman

Treasurers: Sora Grunstein, Carmen Neuer and Carley Pevin

Cougar Store: Daniella Pfefer and Chaikie Berg


Click here to complete the volunteer form

Cougar Store

Click here to purchase items from the Cougar Store


What exactly does the FPA do?

The FPA is a group of volunteers that run a myriad of events throughout the school year to enhance the education of our children as well as run the Cougar Store.

How do the Frisch Students benefit from the FPA?

Students experience FPA sponsored events throughout the year that enhance their school experience.

Is it easy to get involved with the FPA?

Yes!  We gladly welcome anyone who wants to volunteer.  Please just reach out to us at or fill out the volunteer form so we know that you are interested in getting involved.