Seniors Visit the Israeli Consulate

December 15, 2015

Consulate 2Shalom! Our seniors in Dr. Tuvia Book’s elective visited the Israeli Consulate yesterday. Students heard from Jackie Retig, Director of Academic Affairs, Galit Peleg, Consul for Public Diplomacy, and Shimon Mercer-Wood Consul for Media Affairs. Jackie, a recent NYU graduate, spoke about the uphill battles Israel face on college campuses across North America, while Galit, a longtime Israeli diplomat, spoke about ways she and her team work to improve Israel’s standing in the world’s opinion. Shimon, a former IDF soldier who holds a Master’s degree in International Relations from the London School of Economics, capped off the morning by speaking about the relationship Israel has with the Western media; the way Israel is covered in the press; and his work on getting positive coverage of Israel as much as possible.

Liana Chesir ’16 said, “This trip was very educational because it offered new insight and also context for the things we’re learning in Dr. Book’s class.”

Students also enjoyed delicious Israeli snacks in between the thought-provoking sessions, and asked astute questions – including how they can go about getting internships at the Consulate while they study in college. Before the students returned to school, they walked to a kosher restaurant in close proximity and enjoyed lunch together.

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