Monday marked the beginning of Yeshivat Frisch’s Senior Mini-Semester, in which 12th graders have the opportunity to create their own schedule from a selection of exciting courses. Classes are divided into seven categories: Judaic studies, general studies, virtual internships, practical topics for “Life After Frisch,” kedushat Hachaim, Israel education and senior seminars.
In Judaic studies, topics range from Bible and Halacha to Jewish history, philosophy, and ethics. The courses include: Kohelet, Happily Never After: Stories of Rejection and Redemption, Devarim: Ethics of Warfare, YU Bekiut, Making of a Gadol: A Look Back at Five of Our Greatest, Famous Jewish Letters, Meaningful Relationships, Responsa of the Holocaust, Jewish Music Tour: A Deep Look at the Evolution and Lyrics, Campus Quandries, Halachic Issues and Coronavirus, Jewish Life Values, Of Rappers and Rebbes: Lyrics and Teachings of the Great Gangstas and Godmen, Aggadic Passages on Perspective and Change, Pirkei Avot, Biblical Criticism, When Great Things Come to an End, and Hakdamat HaRambam LiPeirush HaMishna.
In general studies, students may choose to review for AP exams in various subjects, or explore new vistas in courses such as Art Studio: Painting on Clothing, Biological Physics and Mathematical Biology Ethics, Recreating Historical Paintings at Home, Adult Interpretations of Children’s Literature and Fairytales, History of EMS and 911 Systems, Short Films-Big Ideas, History of Fashion, How to Travel the World, He Said/He Said: Rabbinic Disputes from Maimonides to the Modern State of Israel, Intro to the Music of the 60s, Archetypes and Stereotypes in the Media, Big Ideas from Cinema, Nazi Use of Propaganda (Deification of Hitler and the Demonization of the Jews), Biomimicry and Science (Ecoliteracy and Design Innovation), Making Exciting Powerpoint Presentations, Mini Grammar Lessons 101, The Relationship Between the Black and Jewish Communities, and Songwriting Workshop.
In the “Life After Frisch” category, students get to learn practical, long-term skills and ideas. Courses include: Intro to Filmmaking and Videography, Financial Literacy, Auto Mechanics: Lessons for Your First Car, Jewish Environmental Ethics, Dorm Room Cooking, Arabic 101, Genius Bar: Maximizing Your iPhone, Arabic 101, Baking with Cakemaster Melissa Alt, and Tips for Your Free Time in Israel.
Virtual internships include presentations by CEOs and other high-level executives at a variety of companies, including Bari Lynn, AirBnB, the NFL, Leket, Hiltzik Strategies, Bleacher Report, the Brooklyn Assistant District Attorney, Cross River Bank and Columbia Records. Meanwhile, the Israel education portion of the program features addresses by highly knowledgeable, nuanced thinkers, including Hon. Daniel Kurtzer (former U.S. Ambassador to Israel and Egypt), American-Israeli author and journalist Yossi Klein
Halevi, Rav Yosef Zvi Rimon of the Herzog Institute at Gush and Rabbi Yehuda Sarna of NYU’s Bronfman Center. Kedushat HaChaim, on Jewish relationships and family, will be taught by Frisch’s Judaic Studies faculty, while Senior Seminars will include Rabbi Menachem Genack (CEO of OU Kosher), Julian Schocron (Danny Danon’s personal advisor at the UN), (Organization for the Resolution of Agunot) and more.
“Our senior program is crafted for the purpose of allowing students to explore new areas of interest that will serve as a bridge between their high school experience and the world of intellectual, professional and creative possibilities they are about to encounter,” said Principal Rabbi Eli Ciner. “This program was truly put together with each and every student in mind and we hope it serves as a springboard for further growth.”